Residential Services
What is KenCrest’s Supported Independent Living Program?
KenCrest offers various residential options for adults with an intellectual disability, including Supported Independent Living.
Creating Independence With The Smarter Living Home
KenCrest’s Smarter Living Home, with its assistive technology, helps people with intellectual disabilities achieve greater independence.
Celebrate National Nurse Appreciation Week With KenCrest
This year, KenCrest recognizes the incredible, hardworking nurses who go above and beyond to help the people we serve.
Good Help is Hard to Find: A Look Into The DSP Crisis
Around the United States, thousands of Community Living homes are short staffed due to the ongoing Direct Support Professional (DSP) crisis.
A Home For Medically Fragile PA Children
KenCrest’s Medically Fragile Transitional Care Homes bring state-of-the-art care to a home environment for kids with complex medical needs.
Pete Gives Back to his PA Community
One person from KenCrest’s Supported Independent Living program gives back to the community that’s helped him through volunteering.
This Connecticut Family Finds Solace in KenCrest’s Group Homes
Adam Swanke lives a meaningful life with autism through ups and downs in KenCrest’s Connecticut group home.