Taste the Possibilities


Thanks to everyone who made Taste the Possibilities a huge success!


Hosted at Abington Arts Center on Thursday, April 25th, KenCrest's newest event, Taste the Possibilities, was a wonderful success for our community. Over 225 guests came together to enjoy award-winning food and drink from local vendors, stroll the galleries of the Arts Center, and sing along to their favorite tunes compliments of The Piano Dudes. Most importantly, guests were able to learn more about KenCrest's mission and support our own artists who were showcasing their creations. Together, we were able to raise over $100,000 for new and innovative services to create inclusive communities where each person is valued for their talents.

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Thank You to our Sponsors!

Empowering Dreams
Marian Baldini & Larry Filtz • James & Mary Jane Brenneman
Marian Baldini & Larry Filtz • James & Mary Jane Brenneman

Mobilizing Resources
logotext Mobilizing Resources

Colleen Kelly & Paul Hisem

Exploring Possibilities

Community Support
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Loyce & Larry Brown • Dr. & Mrs. James C. Garvey • Charles Horn III • John & Melissa Howe • Aurora Kripa & Jesse Fells •
Ellen & Ed Mansfield • Eric & Shelley Rahe • Reformation Lutheran Church of Media, PA • Salmon, Ricchezza, Singer & Turchi LLP