Blog Posts

Early Intervention Supports Families With Developmental Delays

KenCrest’s Early Intervention services are not only for children with developmental delays but also for their parents and caregivers.

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Her Disability Doesn’t Stop Her from Independence

As a wheelchair user with an Intellectual Disability, Patricia MClean doesn’t let her disability stop her from independence.

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A Friendship Forged in Lifesharing

With a friendship spanning more than 14 years, Leigh Anne and Peggy Horne celebrate finally becoming Lifesharing Partners.

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William Harris Receives the Sister Grace Award

With over 20 years of service at KenCrest, William Harris receives the Sister Grace award during this year’s Staff Event.

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This KenCrest Nurse Brings Cheer to her Resident’s Home

Nurse House Manager Joyce Benfield brings holiday cheer and a homey atmosphere to her Mt. Kirk Community Medical Home.

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How Early Intervention Helps One Child at a Time

KenCrest Early Interventionists help one Pennsylvania family overcome Torticollis through occupational and physical therapies.

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What Does Independence Mean to People with Disabilities?

KenCrest’s Enabling Technologies program helps those with disabilities gain independence through different devices.

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Meet the Creators of KenCrest’s Book Club

During the pandemic, Amanda and her Community Connection Coach Michele joined a book club to find friendship and community.

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How Enabling Technologies Help This Pennsylvania Couple 

KenCrest’s Enabling Technology program supports various people with disabilities to live more independently, including George and Louise.

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From Lifesharing to DSP, This Employee Has Done It All

For 34 years, Annette Hanks has helped various people with disabilities in KenCrest through Lifesharing and Supported Independent Living.

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LifeSherpa Supports Employment Growth

Project SEARCH helps its interns learn valuable job skills through onsite training, classroom curriculum and the LifeSherpa app.

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