DSP Accreditation Program

DSP Accredidation program


Welcome, we're so glad you're interested in the KenCrest DSP Accreditation Program!

Are you passionate about your ability to support people with disabilities? Do you want to learn skills that will help you reach the next level in your career? This program is an opportunity for YOU to grow professionally, get certified, and earn some extra cash!

The KenCrest DSP Accreditation program uses the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) E-Badge Academy program as a way for DSPs and Frontline Supervisors to improve their knowledge through web-based coursework. Participants achieve various "e-badges" as they complete trainings and coursework to reach different levels of certification (DSP-I, DSP-II, or DSP-III).

Why Participate? There are LOTS of benefits!

  • Enhances your skills and the many ways you can support the people in KenCrest's programs
  • Improves your ability to be promoted to a higher position or supervisory role at KenCrest, or become more competitive when applying to other jobs
  • Certification is tied to bonus payments of  up to $4,000!


  • Applications are now OPEN, apply here, or use the link above
  • June 18th: Application deadline
  • June 25th: Applicants are notified of their acceptance into the Program
  • July 2nd: Program kicks off

The application is simple, easy, and FAST! Here's what to expect:

  • Fill out your personal information
  • Read and agree to the program overview and requirements
  • Answer two of four short questions
  • Click SUBMIT, and done!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DSP Accreditation?

DSP Accreditation is a staff development program offers all staff with a DSP-associated title the opportunity to attain national certification from the NADSP with the completion of education credits and written testimonials reflecting NADSP code of ethics and core competencies.

Who is eligible for the DSP Accreditation program?

All applicants/nominees of the program must:

  • Be a current KenCrest employee of at least six months that holds a DSP-associated role (including Community Connection Coaches, Childcare Workers, Job Coaches, Lead DSPs, etc)
  • Obtain approval by current Director/AD/PM to participate in program
  • Must be an employee in good standing (current training record, no recent disciplinary action, etc.)


What are the requirements to attain certification?

There are three levels of certification that you are eligible to achieve:

DSP-I: Requires 50 hours of education and 11 written core competency testimonials

DSP-II: Requires 100 hours of education and 13 written core competency testimonials


How much are the one-times?

For DSP-I participants who complete the badge will receive $2,500

For DSP-II participants who complete the badge will receive an additional $1,500


How will I complete the requirements to attain each level of certification?

  • All hours of education will be completed and assigned within Relias throughout the duration of the program.
  • Written testimonials will be completed via electronic submission where program participants will respond to core competency prompts reflecting on an experience where they demonstrated proficiency of the competency/skill.
  • Hours that you have already completed count toward your Level 1 credentialing.


What supports/resources are available during the program?

KenCrest has a role in the Talent Success Coach that is dedicated to the success of each participant within the program. The Talent Success Coach will meet regularly with each participant within the program to track progress, assist with questions/inquiries, and offer solutions through the duration of the program.


What’s in it for me?

  • With the completion of each level of certification, each program participant will receive a one-time monetary incentive payment for every level they complete.
  • Each program participant will also be available for enrollment into the KenCrest frontline leadership development program that will allow you to adopt and learn the key competencies and skillsets of KenCrest leaders.
  • Each program participant will be afforded the opportunity to leverage their potential certification status in the DSP Accreditation and KenCrest frontline leadership programs into leadership opportunities within the Agency.


How do I apply for the program?

If you are interested in applying for the program, just click the link listed above (or below), and it will take you to the online nomination/application form. Be sure to fill out and respond to all fields and questions for full consideration to the program!


Who do I contact for more information about the DSP Accreditation program?

If you have any specific questions beyond these, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Krout (jennifer.krout@kencrest.org