Special Instructor Terry Lubin combines his work with KenCrest’s Early Intervention program and PA’s OCDEL for two years.
By Sydney Kerelo
Beginning in 1990, the Early Intervention Systems Act was introduced, allowing eligible children in Pennsylvania from ages three to kindergarten-age to receive Early Intervention supports. Since its introduction, thousands of children across the state have blossomed into incredible young adults because of the early influence of early intervention.
Early Intervention is often used to describe services and supports to young children with a developmental delay or disability. It allows individuals to access speech, physical, and occupational therapies and can significantly impact their ability to learn, overcome challenges, and increase success in school and life.
Early detection is one of the most critical aspects of Early Intervention, and with Special Instructors like Terrence “Terry” Lubin, many PA families have seen great success.
“Early Intervention was the best thing that ever happened to anybody,” says Lubin. “It can be hard to parent any child, but it’s even harder when a child isn’t developing in a typical way. There’s no support system, but with Early Intervention, it allows us to come in and say, ‘All right, we’re going to figure out what’s happening.”

Lubin is a contracted Special Instructor with KenCrest’s Birth-to-Three Early Intervention program, dedicated to helping families across the state get the proper resources for their children. For more than 15 years, he has devoted his time to KenCrest, but about two years ago, he decided to make a change. Now, he works as a KenCrest contractor and trainer for the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
OCDEL focuses on creating opportunities for the youngest children to develop within PA. This program aims to ensure that children and their families have high-quality services that help them thrive. And Lubin does just that by providing a Family Guided Routines Intervention Model (FGRBI) training to various Early Interventionists throughout the state.
FGBRI is an approach provided by early intervention services within a family’s natural environments. Its roots are traced to activity-based intervention, a child-directed system that uses intervention strategies in play, daily routines, and planned activities for young children with developmental delays.
“[FGBEI] can be the main person doing the work rather than the provider doing the work and helping them figure out what works best, how to use that skill in any routine or new environment,” says Lubin. “I really liked this program, and it worked well for me, so I joined OCDEL as one of the trainers. I’m now in the training process to become a certified trainer.”

Lubin is currently training to become a trainer for OCDEL, to teach classes to interventionists seeking an Early Intervention certificate and mentoring them afterward. It’s become a statewide initiative to get as many early intervention providers as possible.
While juggling KenCrest and OCDEL is challenging, Lubin loves it and enjoys doing it while he studies to become a social worker. Being a contractor allows him to have the freedom to pursue his dreams while still working in this field.
“It’s a scary switch from full-time to being a contractor, but I’m glad I did it,” says Lubin. “I think it’s fun to have a lot of different things going on. It feels right to teach colleagues and to be working with parents. I love getting to know new families and trying to figure out what they need.”
KenCrest is consistently searching for contractors for the Early Intervention program and throughout the organization to best help the people supported, whether through Early Intervention or for a community home as a Direct Support Professional.
Looking for contract work? Join the KenCrest team by applying to one of the following positions: